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Local Fuss About Books in High School Libraries

Local Fuss About Books in High School Libraries

Hey peoples!!!! I wanted to share something in a way that was easier for you to copy information down, so this message will be shared via blog instead of podcast.

On April 19th, towards the end of the School Board Regular Meeting for FNSB Schools here in the Fairbanks area, Board Member Matt Sampson started to read a passage out of a book he picked up at one of our school libraries. The passage was definitely NSFW as one character explained that to another that one has to be careful when wearing a strap-on so as not to hurt someone. Other Board Members were quick to stop him after a few sentences as students can and do listen to meetings. Matt feigned not understanding that some topics are permissable for the older groups, but not children in the elementary schools. Instead, he acted like it was available to ALL students in every school in our district. You can listen to the meeting here.

This didn't shock me as I had heard he was checking out books from the library before the meeting. I grew up at Bible Baptist Church where they have this black and white, extremist thinking and show it on their sign. I was expecting more.

Over the next week, more is what I got. Matt Sampson, his wife, and another right wing extremist took to Facebook to post about these "aweful books" and went as far as to claim librarians/educators were grooming children as these books were available to ALL students at ALL school libraries. Here are a few screenshots:

Here is Jennifer Cronk Sampson wanting to defund libraries to provide more classes. As though there aren't other ways we can provide more classes, higher wages, and more resources for students.

Here is Matt Sampson claiming to not remember the Titles of books, though he did share the cover of one. This book is only available at Hutchison High School (I was able to check online pretty easily).

Here, we see Matt Sampson lying about why he won't share the name of the book. I already shared a link above that shows that it's easy to look up books at middle and high schools online. As a public school program, it's generally policy to be open and clear unless revealing personal information. So a book available at a school is something he can share and is choosing to for reasons he likely didn't state. Unless he is the one who will be held accountable as he read the passage out loud where children of all ages (not just teenagers) listen.

Here is Matt's own post to a private group. Notice how he doesn't add clarification that these books are available to teenagers (possibly just high schoolers) and he makes it seem as though this book is available to ALL age groups. He also complained about being censured when he was the one person affiliated with the school district who was actively exposing children not old enough to read the passages to passages about sexual conversations and contact.

Not only is this passage dumb as many people, not just those who self label as butch, use strap-ons. I also think it's funny because I grew up in this city and attended FNSB schools as well as Bible Baptist Church School. I got most of my sex education from reading because of the lack of education and I would have loved to read this book when I was a senior at West Valley. Books taught me how to put on a bra, to imagine people sucking at my breasts (thanks Bible), and a few warning signs of an abusive relationship (though not nearly enough). After this reply, Sampson starts naming an individual.

Here is the passage in question. Would I allow my 4 year old or 10 year old to read it? No. But my 15 year old can definitely borrow this book. I want to read it myself to see if it's as scandalous as he says or if it's typical LGBTQ+ conversations that I've experienced since coming out of the closet myself. After all, safety like this isn't taught in our sex ed and that lack of education can and does result in injuries.

Here's a passage he shared online only from a comic book. As though Alaska doesn't have the highest number of child sexual abuse in the country and children won't relate to passages like this. In art, it's common to share extremes of issues personally experienced. I myself have experienced being raped and have been suicidal. A real sex education helps prevent this while having these types of books is debatable but also something teens would be interested in, especially if this is not a main character and it helps a main character make real changes in the community both in suicide prevention and sex education. Without knowing the full story of this comic, it's hard to determine whether this book is acceptable or not. I will share examples down below to further this point.

The last time I heard about orgies in the news, it was a GOP legislator outting members of his own party. So the fact that many of the reply blame the Democrats for this is laughable as everyone enjoys sex. Only one party wants to keep it secret so no one else understands the rules regarding safe, consensual, age appropriate sex.

The number of people wanting to know these titles makes me laugh as I know they want to read it themselves. These books will be the new 50 Shades of Gray (which was talked about in these same circles and shared, likely because it's steamy and not a great example of an abusive relationship).

Here, we see Sampson diverts to attack religion. Our country is founded on the freedom of religion. I'm proud of the student who wrote this and shared their understanding. For those who don't know, Satanism is a religion made up of mostly Atheists who use Christian imagery to push back against Christian extremists who push their religion into governments (including public schools). I wish we had a church up here.

This angers me. He wants someone fired for their religious beliefs. Do you know how often I heard Christians speak up when I was a student at FNSB schools (grades K-8 and 11-12)? The fact that it's taken until this decade for someone to bring up a religion other than the Abrahamic ones is beyond sad in our country.

You are 100% correct here, Sampson. Otherwise, you would have checked out the Bibles available at each school. More on that in just a moment.

I have been creating a document when I heard Sampson checked books out of public school libraries to help me write a testimony and email. I definitely didn't find every mention of sex or rape in the Bible and covered topics Sampson didn't cover including murder and abortion, but I got enough that I felt comfortable testifying at the May 3rd School Board General Meeting yesterday.

I pre-wrote my testimony and read it as fast as possible. When I realized I had more time, I scrolled up in my document and read out random stuff until I heard them say I was past time, at which point I finished my sentence. Here is the written version I read out:

"Our country has freedom of religion, including religions that are supportive of a healthy sex life. I support having access to all sorts of books including religious ones so everyone can easily do research, but to remind people that if we are going to remove books from schools for explicit and immoral content, the Bible does fit under that category.

I have found 55 incidents that include sex, killing children/forced abortions, rape, and suicide. I know I haven’t found them all. Passages I would like to highlight include Genesis 19, where angels visit Lot. People of the city want to rape the angels, so Lot offers his daughters in their place. When they leave, Lot’s daughters rape him to get pregnant. Isaiah 13:9-16 talks about killing children and raping wives. 2 Samuel 13:11-14 is a passage where a brother rapes his sister. 2 Samuel 6:20 is a passage where David is praised for walking around naked without shame. Ezekial 16:17 is a passage where a someone takes their jewelry and makes a dildo/sex doll.  2 Samuel 17:23 is a passage where someone hangs themselves."

After I was done testifying, I sent an email to the entire School Board ( I was rushing as I wanted to finish it before I went to bed, so the version I share here will be edited.

"Hello Board of Education Members,

I am writing this email to continue what I started in my personal comment during the meeting today.

First, I am not a Christian, but I have no issues with the Bibles in the Middle and High Schools. This is because I am an advocate of freedom of religion and I believe students should be able to research ALL religions including Christianity. My religious views on sex are that it's fine so long as it's consenual, safe, and does not create a power issue that leads to violence. This means I don't care if my high schooler has sex with another high schooler so long as they are safe, both consent, and are not in an abusive relationship.

I heard Matt Sampson read otu passages at the last meeting and have seen all sorts of screenshots he has shared while claiming he can't share what the titles of the books are or showing the proper way to have the school district see if they accidentally shelved a book that doesn't follow the guidelines or if books no longer follow guidelines to changes.

If you are going to create rules that make it so that books that talk about sex, how to safely have sex, rape, or suicide, then the Bible will be included in the list of books that can no longer be at our schools.

Here are the Bibles in our Middle and High Schools now:

  1. Ben Eilson Jr. Sr. High School- New American Bible, New International Version
  2. Hutchison High School- New International Version
  3. Lathrop High School- The New English Bible, The Children’s Bible, Revised Standard Version, New World Translation
  4. North Pole High School- King James Version
  5. North Pole Middle School- King James Version
  6. Randy Smith Middle School- New American Bible (Saint Joseph Edition), King James Version
  7. Ryan Middle School- English Standard Version
  8. Tanana Middle School, Thompson Chain Reference Bible, The Living Bible
  9. West Valley High School- King James Version

Bible Passages I have found:
Genesis 6:7
This passage is about how God kills all the animals, people (including unborn children) because he regrets his creation. Remember children, if you create a life, you have the right to end it, even if that life is pregnant.
Genesis 19
So this is the story of Lot. We have the part where Lot tries to give his daughters because the city wanted to rape the angels visiting him. We also have the parts where the daughters raped their dad to carry on the family line. Remember children, if you are worried about your prospects, here is how to get pregnant by raping your father.
Genesis 9:20-22
After the flood, Noah builds a vineyard, gets drunk, and passes out naked where one of his sons finds him. Remember children, public drunkeness and nudity is what godly men do.
Genesis 35:22
Reuben sleeps with his father’s concubine so loud that the people can hear it. Remember children, you can have sex with your father's sex only partners and make sure to do it so loud the entire neighborhood hears.
Genesis 38:2
Judah saw Shuah, took her, and raped her. Remember children, love is something you do at first sight. Second sight is for kidnapping and raping them.
Genesis 38:8-9
Judah tells Onin to get his sister-in-law pregnant. Onin knows he shouldn’t do this, but he does it anyway. Remember children, you can knock up your siblings spouses.
Genesis 38:15-18
Judah bribes his daughter in law (not knowing it was her) for sex. Remember children, it's okay to bribe people for sex as well as be paid for it. (Honestly, sex work is honest work and using their servies is not wrong, but it is a passage about sex in FNSB school libraries now.)
Exodus 21
This chapter deals with laws. The first half regards slavery. Only Hebrew slaves could be freed, only if they are men, and they could be tricked into staying a slave if they are married to a slave. Not only that, but a Hebrew who beats his slave to death is punished, but if his slave is beaten to the point of death, but if the slave survives for a day or two (depending on the version, it could also mean if the slave can walk in a day or two), then there is no punishment because the slaves are property/money. Remember children, owning slaves is Biblical and we can treat them horribly.
Exodus 11-13
These chapters talk about how God chose to harden the Pharoah’s heart and then punish him by killing every firstborn in the country (unless they painted blood on doorways). Remember children, God will kill babies and force humans to do things so he has the chance.
Numbers 31
This chapter is about how Moses had the people kill all of the enemies except for the girls and split the girls up between the tribes as slaves, it's notable they tell the women children who are virgins to live. Remember children, if you go to war, kill everyone except the virgin girls, those girls will be divided to be slaves/wives/concubines.
Numbers 25:6-18
God was punishing the Israelites with a plague. A man married someone from another race and brought her to the temple. Another man murdered them both in the temple. God rewarded the killer, lifted the plague, and told Moses to go after the rest of the nation. God does not like interracial marriages when it comes to his people. Remember children, if you are mixed race, God does not like you and would have been willing to kill people until your mother was killed.
Numbers 5:11-31
This passage is about how if a man thinks his wife (or concubine) is cheating, he can have the priest do a spell to cause an abortion. If the woman loses a fetus (that’s what thigh mean), then she is punished. If not, then the man realizes he was jealous for nothing. Remember children, abortions are okay when they are forced and to prove cheating happened.
Deuteronomy 22: 22-29
These are laws, but women were property. Remember children, women are property, not free like everyone else.
Deuteronomy 25:11-12
If two men are fighting, and a wife steps in to save her husband and touches the genitals of the other man, she must lose her hand and no one can feel sorry for her. Remember children, it's better to not step in and save a life if it means you touch someone's genitals.
Deuteronomy 22:17
Shows the city council his daughter is a virgin. Remember children, your father can show people evidence that you are a virgin.
Judges 19
The men of a city wanted to rape the man visiting, but attacked his concubine and killed her. The man cut her into 12 pieces and sent them around Israel. Remember chidlren, if you are going to be raped, your spouse can cut you up into pieces and send you around to various houses that raped you.
Judges 14:5-6
Samson killed a lion because it roared at him on his way to meet a woman his parents told him about. Remember children, let nothing stop you on your way to have sex and kill anything that does.
Judges 18
God (through his prophet) gave permission to massacre a peaceful city so that some Israelites could have the land. Remember children, it's okay to kill peaceful communities if it gives you more land.
Judges 11:30-39
In this passage, a man promises god to sacrifice whichever human came to him first if he won. It was his only child, a daughter. The daughter told him to do it, but first she wanted to cry because she was dying as a virgin, so he let her go to mourn and then sacrificed her when she came back. Remember children, mourn your virginity with others if you are going to be sacrificed. (I think she was having all sorts of lesbian sex in the mountains with the other females who joined her.)
Judges 16:1
Sampson sleeps with a sex worker. Remember children, sleeping with sex workers is godly (I actually approve this message as many of my friends are sex workers).
Judges 9:52-54
Abimelech asks his men to kill him so they can’t say a woman did. Remember children, it's better to commit suicide than to let someone from the opposite gender kill you.
Judges 16:30
Sampson commits suicide to kill everyone inside the temple. Remember children, it's okay to commit suicide while killing others.
Judges 16:28-30
Samson commits suicide to kill everyone in the temple. Remember the previous lesson, children? Good, because here it is again.
1 Samuel 31:4-5
Saul and his armorbearer both commit suicide. Remember children, god-chosen people can commit suicide and so do their employees.
1 Samuel 19:24
Saul strips naked and lays down in front of everyone, causing them to ask if he’s a prophet. Remember children, you will be recognized as a prophet if you perform public nudity and give prophecies.
1 Samuel 18
Okay, so there are a few things to point out here. Jonathan makes a covenant with David because he loves him as his own soul. Then later, Saul promises a daughter’s hand in marriage if David brings him foreskins of the enemies. So David does. Remember children, it's okay to be gay and marry your partner's sister if you have enough penis skins of enemies.
1 Samuel 15:2-3
This verse is God commanding his people to go and kill every man, woman, and infant as well as all the animals. Remember children, it's okay to kill infants.
2 Samuel 13:11-14
A sister brings her brother food. He asks for sex and she says no. He rapes her anyway. Remember children, it's okay to rape your sibling if you are strong enough.
2 Samuel 16:22
Absolem sleeps with his father’s concubines in front of everyone. Remember children, you can sleep with one of your dad's partners in public.
2 Samuel 6:20
Michal praises David for walking around naked without shame. Remember children, publicly nudity with no shame is how god's chosen behave.
2 Samuel 11:4
David has sex with someone else’s wife. Remember children, it's okay to have affairs.
2 Samuel 17:23
Ahithophel commits suice by hanging. Remember children, suicide is alright.
1 Kings 16:18
Zimri commits suicide. Remember children, god approves suicide.
2 Kings 2:23-24
Elijah was traveling when children mocked his baldness. So he sent two bears after them and 42 children died. Remember children, prophets can kill multiple children if they are mocked for being bald.
Psalm 137:9
This verse is part of a song where the Isrealites were enslaved and singing about how happy their god would be to dash their slavers littles ones against stones. Remember children, it's okay to celebrate killing infants if you are a slave. (I honestly can't fault slaves for this as an all knowing deity would not have made laws to allow slavery, how to do it, and how to trap those who can leave slavery into slavery for life.)
Proverbs 5:19
A spell gifting someone’s spouse with good boobs and the male with feeling ravished by her. Remember children, grow big boobs and have all the sex.
Proverbs 7:7-12
A young man visits a sex worker. Remember children, visit your local sex workers. (Anther positive message!)
Song of Solomon 1:12-13
A woman watching her husband drink and getting excited because she’ll have sex all night. Remember children, buy your spouse beer so you can have sex all night.
Song of Solomon 4:5
Impossible boobs (like young roes that are twins). Remember children, your boobs should remind people of deer.
Song of Solomon 8:10
A woman saying she is like a wall with boobs like towers, so she gets favors. Remember children, if you have a flat stomach and huge boobs, you get favors.
Song of Solomon 7:7-8
Comparing a woman’s breasts to grapes and vowing to go take hold of those boughs. Remember children, use metaphors if you want to touch someone sexually.
Song of Solomon 7:3
Comparing breasts to deer again. Remember children, we must remind men that deer have boobs.
Isaiah 13:9-16
God talks about how he will punish people on the world including killing children and raping wives. Remember children, it's god's will that children are killed and mom's are raped.
Ezekial 16:28
Calling someone a whore because they couldn’t be satisfied sexually. Remember children, calling someone a whore because they aren't sexually satisfied is better than satisfying your partner sexually.
Ezekial 16:17
A passage where someone takes all of their jewelry and makes dildos and has sex with them. Remember children, you can make your own dildos out of your jewelry!
Ezekiel 23:18-21
A passage where someone is remembering having sex while a slave in Egypt and makes someone jealous. Remember children, if you have a lot of sex while you are young, you have something to look back on when you are married.
Ezekiel 23
This chapter is talking about women who were whores. A version other than KJV could be more useful in this situation as they talk about the size of men’s genitals. But they use whoredom a LOT in the KJV version. Remember children, men should be hung like donkeys.
Hosea 13
God is upset that people aren’t praising him, so he kills all the infants. Remember children, babies die because you angered god.
Hosea 4:12
The people go whoring. Remember children, going whoring is behaving biblically.
Hosea 6:10
Israel is defiled because the house of Israel is acting like whores. Remember children, acting like a whore is being just like god's chosen, even when he calls you defiled.
Hosea 9:1
Telling people to stop celebrating because they have whored in every cornfield. Remember children, Israelites celebrated being whores and had sex in all the fields.
Matthew 27:5
Judas commits suicide. Remember children, suicide is normal.
1 Timothy 2:11-12
These versus say women must learn in silence and cannot teach or have authority over men. Remember children, you should not listen to your teachers who identify as female.

I think I was able to share all of the passages in here, but I likely missed a few. Like I said, the Bible is full of lessons, especially when taken out of context like I had seen from a member of the School Board these past few weeks. I myself attended Bible Baptist Church School, so I know these passages aren't taught this way, but I doubt the books Matt Sampson defaced and shared on his social media are taught the way he represented them as well (meant to groom children to be sex slaves).

You can bet that if you continue to try to remove books with sexual content and suicide, then I will do the same with the Bibles as each vesrion contains some facet of these to varying degrees.

You also do not get to force our schools to follow your religious beliefs otherwise I will work just as hard to enforce mine.

I am not a Satanist, but I have considering becoming one. Satanists are Atheists who use biblical imagery to push back against extremists who force their religion into governments and government run programs. I can definitely reach out to Atheists and Satanists across the country to gather information on how they pushed back against a lack of sex education, content, and book bannings.

My children deserve to have School Board Members who do more research, do not force all children to follow their religious viewpoints, and allow more access to a wide variety of books in libraries."

As you can see, I tried very hard to make sure it was clear that I did not want the Bibles or any other book to be removed from libraries. I do not have a copy in my house anymore. I use online resources to read passages when researching various things I've learned. I still study the Christian religion and it's history even though I am no longer a Christian. It's important because it impacts my life and the lives of others in my community, as you can see.

Feel free to email any additional sections of the Bible to me at in case we do need to keep making a fuss to show that banning or removing books with content NSFW will include each and every Bible. You can also email the school board or testifying yourself. I recommend making sure your testimony and email do not attack Christianity as the religion is extremely diverse, but show how these ideologies will impact their ability to share their religion if they try to push their religious ideologies in our public schools where they don't belong.

To my Christian friends, family, and followers who understand my message, I hope you speak up as well. Your voice will have more impacts on some of the religious School Board Members than my own voice because I am not part of your group. I also appreciate the Christians willing to discuss and share their religious views without trying to get me to join your religion and who are willing to listen to the religious views and learn about other religions (I'm including Atheism here as it is federally considered a religion to protect us from religious retaliation). You make it easy for me to ask questions in my own research and I am beyond grateful.